An update on the ongoing Tolbunt goal that started this website:

Due to another snafu with affidavit numbers, I stepped down from working on the tolbunt project. I have spent 6 years trying to get to the point that I could formally submit everything (including writing the standard, meeting with and working with the APA standards committee for several years, and arraigning both prequalifying meets) and every set back has taken too much emotionally for me. I have have decided at this point to part with most of if not all of my current birds and just have a layer flock that needs less upkeep. 

We do have a working standard for tolbunts that was APA approved in 2016 after I met with several members of the APA Standards Committee at Ohio Nationals. 

We have started the process for getting tolbunts accepted with APA- our first pre-qualifying meet was at Ohio Nationals in 2018. Our 2nd pre-qualifying meet was in in 2019 also at Ohio Nationals!!


     My breeding goal has never changed- it is to help improve and promote the tolbunt variety of polish. I am working toward breeding the color, pattern, and type of this variety of the polish breed to it's proposed standard. 

This will not be a quick project, and will always be a learning process.


 The basic thing to remember with the tolbunt color is that is basically a mottled gold lace with a redder base than most gold lace seen in this country (both European countries that have official standards for tolbunt also word them like mottled gold lace) so remember to breed birds that have good type and pet out those that do not.



if the adult color is not basically a mottled gold lace (redder tone preferred)- it is not a tolbunt, it maybe SPLIT to tolbunt, but the color pattern is what makes it tolbunt. 

Tolbunts should NEVER have cuckoo barring- that is an incorrect pattern for them- do NOT use those in a tolbunt breeding program.



  With everything people have bred into the tolbunt variety (orloff, houdan, & every color polish it seems) there are some odd color chicks that pop up (and crest, leg color, and type issues).


  Due to personal beliefs, I am only using gold lace polish for outcrosses I will be doing (aside from Tolbunts brought in), however, I know some of the birds I bought did have another breed outcrossed in at a few generations ago. (And who knows what color polish added in any of them)


my 1st four hens from Jim (Parker) had Orloff crossed in (couple 1/4 orloff hens in pen)


Ali, my roo from Dave, is 3/4 tolbunt, and 1/8 each orloff & houdan


My Dancing Hen Farm hens- may/may not- 1 Parker hen in breeding pen